I peer up through your skirts
flaming, diaphanous
each of you a cinderella in this
autumn ball
This is the season
when you emerge
from your service garb
of chloroplast green
no longer sun-saturated
but bursting away its light
in bold patterns
blazing iridescence
red, gold and orange
and kaleidoscope edged
The belles of this
fast-paced celebration
your inner flare
in sunset tides of
unbridled brilliance
You are bravest before
the reckoning, the ultimate test
before the teasing breezes
and gusty winds
unfurl you leaf by leaf
turning them into
and you
into haunting specters of
your former selves
bared and silhouetted
before the sun
that once filled you to
spilling sap in selfless joy
May you all survive
the silencing, pummeling rigors
of this winter and live to
become flourishing green
and once again
proclaim your inner
sunset glory.