Clear your heart
from brambling fear
and the hardness
of unyielding thoughts
opening the loamy
terrain for tender
shoots of hope
that will, yes they will arise
into promising blossoms
and ever mighty trees
harboring your life
Gather seeds from
the gnarled-
wisdom laden trees
fruitful with the fragrance of love-
seeds worthy of endless generation
dedicated to Godly veneration
Do you let your garden go?
or fancifully imagine it
with silver bells and cockle shells
and fairy tale wishes-
that do not grow?
Your soul garden is God’s trust
for a life of abundance
a bestowal to you
and a source of renewal
to others
water it with kindness
and weed it from
snakes that snare its
roots and fruits
Tend all worthy seeds
in their yearning
to reach towards the sun
and flourish in beauty
and future strength
Celebrate every tiny curl
of feathery growth.
All begins and ends so humbly.